State of the Athena: 2017 Recap

[et_pb_section bb_built=”1″][et_pb_row][et_pb_column type=”3_4″][et_pb_text _builder_version=”3.0.98″ background_layout=”light”] The Faceplant Launch The first book in my new series, Scandal, came out and it was the best launch I’ve had to date. Well, if we’re being honest, it was the only launch I’ve had to date. My entire Huntress series launched with maybe a Facebook post of “So…this happened” […]
Indie Weekend: Always Something New

One of the most fun things I get to do as an Indie is follow my nose down whatever rabbit-hole it may take me. Caveat scriptor: doing so is probably going to lead you away from the stuff that makes you money or makes this a viable career choice, but part of my bargain with […]
Indie Weekend: One-Year Anniversary

I learned so much and really took great leaps in stride.
Mid-Season Lessons: 3 Things I’ve Learned After Releasing 6 Serial Episodes

Time for a mid-season gut-check. What it’s like, serially publishing once a week and what I’ve learned as a writer.
Exciting New Things
“Huntress of the Star Empire” begins a new (ad)venture in storytelling for me.
Understanding My Own Narrative
You know how Facebook is really just comparing your life to other people’s highlight reel? I got a chance to look at my own highlight reel, and realized that it’s pretty awesome.
Cover Reveal: WinterJacked Book One: Rude Awakening
Emerging from the cave where two years of my life have been spent working on the most ambitious story I’ve taken on to date…and really super-grateful for my amazing friends who are gifted with incredible talents!
Worldbuilding Wednesday: Make A Career Of It
I’ll be the first to admit, I like the wording more than the picturing when it comes to putting a book together. I use the words to make the pictures on the brain (although tonight, I’m apparently In A Mood and the braining is making the wording come out all sideways-y). But my lovely cover […]
Worldbuilding Wednesday: The Long Game
Ever wonder why most of the truly famous writers are dead? It’s because writing is a long game. Not only a long game, but sometimes a very long game. Long enough so that the language itself changes before your popularity does (guess who I’m talking about). It’s easy to forget that, especially when you’re in […]