Athena Grayson

Rude Awakening: Book 1 In WinterJacked Cycle Launched!

Well. That was tougher than anticipated. Indie publishing is a wondrous thing, offering authors unprecedented control and freedom over our careers that we’ve not enjoyed as a group maybe ever. But it does have its lessons to teach us. One of those lessons is that a book launch is a process, rather than the event […]

Tech Support: Read Smashwords Ebooks On Aldiko Reader For Android

This may or may not become “a thing” on the blog, but after futzing about with a recent Smashwords purchase and my Android phone (my usual purchases from Smashwords get read on my laptop), I thought I’d share with the class a quick and dirty way I get my Smashbooks onto my phone for reading […]

Friday Feature: Diane J. Reed, Author of Twixt

One of the things I love about writing is the people I meet. Writing is a solitary craft, for the most part, so most of those people reside in my head in one form or another. But outside my head, it’s a rare privilege to meet someone who understands that you’re not really that crazy […]