One of the things I love about writing is the people I meet. Writing is a solitary craft, for the most part, so most of those people reside in my head in one form or another. Writing is a creative process as well, and most creative types shy away from the technical side of things. So it’s a wonderful honor to meet someone who not only gets your storytelling side, but will totally geek out with you over technical things like hand-coding html. And when she gives you a story to read that KEEPS YOU UP UNTIL 5 AM ON A WEEK-NIGHT…well, then there’s no better word for it than…AMAZE-BALLS!
It’s my very special pleasure to introduce you to a fantastic author and terrific friend. Jennette Marie Powell and I first met as members of OVRWA many many moons ago. Through our time together at OVRWA, we’ve orbited one another in various board and committee positions, and shared a love of a sub-genre of romance whose time is long past due–Speculative Romance. Sometimes called “futuristic romance” or “sci-fi romance,” it’s often lumped in with paranormal romance and fantasy romance, with whom it shares fantastical elements, but it’s really a different animal.
In addition to being a fantastic writer who will take you on a well-researched thrill ride through time and romance, Jennette is a talented graphic artist and knows far too much about the secret history of Dayton, Ohio (no, nice G-Men in sunglasses, she hasn’t said anything about the, uh, stuff that is for sure and definitely NOT there. No sirree. Nothing here for you to see…). She’s been instrumental in helping me iron out some of the technical aspects in my own publishing journey, and I can’t thank her enough for her guidance.

Her Saturn Society series–Time’s Enemy and Time’s Fugitive–will grab you by the short’n’curlies from the breathtaking covers and won’t let go until you’ve devoured the last page.
And to further knock your socks off, the first book in the series, Time’s Enemy, is only 99 cents as part of a special summer promotion! Do NOT miss this chance to put these thrill-rides on your summer reading list!
They are available as ebooks and in print from all the major online retailers:
- Amazon
- Barnes & Noble
- Smashwords and the Smashwords distribution network
Jennette’s been kind enough to answer a few questions about the Saturn Society series for us here today. So without further ado, I’ll let the lady speak!
1. What made you want to write about time-travel and Dayton, Ohio for the Saturn Society series?
2. What’s the message you hope readers take away once they’ve read Time’s Fugitive?
Athena, thanks so much for hosting me today – and for all your encouragement and kind words about my books!
I have loved sci-fi all my life, even if I’m now writing paranormal romance with my “IMMORTAL RELATIONS” series (second book in work). When I was in the Air Force, I spent many days at Wright-Patterson and you are right, there is a LOT more going on there than what meets the eye! Time travel really opens up possibilities for many Historical venues as well as futuristic space travel, meeting aliens (not just South of the Boarder types, either). LOL Best of luck with both of your time travel stories!
Athena, thanks for giving us a chance to get to know Jennette better!
Why don’t I buy more time travel stories? I always enjoy the ones I read. So I picked your first one up today.
Roxy, you’re going to love it!
Amaze-balls? LOL! That’s hilarious!
Jen, the covers on your books are gorgeous! Whoever did them has an amazing talent. Best wishes on your sales throughout this summer!
And what is all the bad wrap about Ohio? Cleveland gets it too! But I was impressed about the amount of patents. There are some very smart people who live in Dayton. Well, I know one of them. 🙂
Thank you Athena for hosting Jenette today! I love your website, by the way! It’s nice to meet you!
And Jennette, have Athena join us, will you? Athena, you are so welcome to jump in with our wana group. We’re a friendly, helpful bunch. Really. We won’t bite. Come see me some time. In fact next week I’m giving away six free books. See ya!
Roxy, thanks so much for giving Time’s Enemy a read – I hope you enjoy it!
Guy and Maria, thanks for stopping by!
And thanks again for hosting me, Athena!
Karen, Jen has done her own covers for the Saturn Society books! And she’s done mine, too. I think she’s got incredible talent, and if you think her covers are great, you should see the interior layout of the Saturn Society print books. Jaw-droppingly gorgeous! Told ya she was talented! 🙂 Thanks for coming by and I’ll drop by for a visit at your site very soon, Karen!
Sorry, I’m late, but I’m amazed at all of Jennette’s talents. Those covers are gorgeous. Jennette also designed and built the website for the Booklovers’ Buffet. Plus she’s a writer. I’m looking forward to reading Time’s Enemy.
I just finished Jennette’s first book Time’s Fugitive and can’t wait to start the next one. I love time travel and Jennette does it very well. Thanks for hosting her, Athena!
What a great message, Jennette—one we can’t hear enough. Loved the “Sludge Factory” story. 😉 Wishing you loads of success.