Life, Act Two: Stress Is A Language
Stress is a language your body uses to tell you many things. You should learn to speak it, and listen when it speaks. It has much to tell you about yourself–and about others.
Momming Monday: Summer Blockbusters
In my house, July means the summer’s gone on long enough that boredom has set in and now the only release from the Endless Summer Fun of Youthful Ennui is Recreational Fighting. Don’t get me wrong, my kids are generally crazy about each other, and very protective of each other when anyone else tries to […]
Join Me As I Guest Blog!
I’m guest-blogging momming over at Peanut Butter On The Keyboard today – come and join me as I talk Poison Ivy! I’m hosting a giveaway, too! Fun (or Not!) with Poison Ivy (+ Giveaway!) | peanut butter on the keyboard.
Friday Feature: Jennette Marie Powell, Author of The Saturn Society Books
One of the things I love about writing is the people I meet. Writing is a solitary craft, for the most part, so most of those people reside in my head in one form or another. Writing is a creative process as well, and most creative types shy away from the technical side of things. […]
Join Me at Romance University Today!
I’m talking QR Codes over at Romance University today. Come Join Me!
International Woman’s Day
Alice Paul and the Suffragettes break it down on the 19th Amendment. Go check out Soomo Publishing‘s page for more so-awesome-it-hurts history. Also…check out today’s Google Doodle. 😀
The Very First Road Trip

The early days of the automobile are populated with images of dashing, young, well-to-do men tooling around in their new and somewhat dangerous toys. Then, as today, the ladies seemed to simply be along for the ride. Of course, those images don’t nearly tell the whole story. This spring break I did what thousands of […]