Indie Weekend: Always Something New

One of the most fun things I get to do as an Indie is follow my nose down whatever rabbit-hole it may take me. Caveat scriptor: doing so is probably going to lead you away from the stuff that makes you money or makes this a viable career choice, but part of my bargain with […]
Mid-Season Lessons: 3 Things I’ve Learned After Releasing 6 Serial Episodes

Time for a mid-season gut-check. What it’s like, serially publishing once a week and what I’ve learned as a writer.
Worldbuilding Wednesday: Bathrooms on the Enterprise
I’m sure this will come as no surprise to some of you, but I used to be a hardcore, die-hard Trekkie. No, not a “trekker” but a bona-fide Spock-ears wearin’ Trekkie. My dad started me out watching reruns of the original series and dragging us to the movies, and then as a teenager, I got […]