Athena Grayson

Teaser Tuesday – The Snare

Micah has been separated from his captor, but not the neuro-collar that suppresses his psionic talents. His search has led him into the wilds of the rocky, crystal-laced canyons of the moon of Guerre, where he meets an old friend…and discovers a different side of Treska.

SFR Brigade Summer Cafe: To The Opera!

What characterizes a space opera dish is that the technology or advancement of civilization acts as a seasoning to the staple ingredients of interpersonal conflicts of the characters.

SFR Station’s April Fools For Love Blog-Hop & Contest

SFR Station's April Fools For Love

If you’re here via the SFR Station’s blog hop, it’s April Fool’s Day, and the authors of SFR Station are being fools for giveaways! And if you’re not here via the blog hop, you picked a great day to start exploring sci-fi romance!