Athena Grayson

Momming Monday: The Reading Mom

As a mom, there’s a lot of reading in my life. Not for pleasure, but for schoolwork, for research, for any number of things, many of which revolve around lighting that fire under my kids so that they develop a love of reading that, at least for me, was probably the single biggest advantage in […]

Momming Monday: Groovy

I’ve said before that being a stay at home parent is the closest thing to a rarefied Edwardian society as you can get in yoga pants. We have our own rhythms, behaviors, habits, and quirks when grouping up or just roaming around the errand list on our own, and it’s a completely different pace to […]

Momming Monday: When The Tank Is Low

Okay, I’ve had three false starts to today’s blog. I’m supposed to be good with the wording, but today, the braining makes the nugget hurt. We had family in from across the country and it was a wonderful–if exhausting–month of high family adventure. And no one died. At least, not all the way. But as […]

Momming Monday: The Quest For Control

When you hit adulthood, you realize you are on your own and are now responsible for all your own scheduled appointments, deadlines, and maintenance cycles for all the things that make life comfortable. When you hit parenthood, you realize that not only are you responsible for all your own dates and times, but somehow you […]

Momming Monday: The Stages of Summer

I’ve been handling summer vacations with kids for long enough to see there’s a pattern. June comes around and a combination of spring/summer sports and school year fatigue produces a kid that’s at once so suddenly lost without the routine, and yet so happy to be off the wheel of the Daily Grind that they’re […]

Momming Monday: Notes From The Cruise Director

Out here in crazy town,w are heading into vacation land. Fire the kids, that means endless plans for impending awesome. For Darth Mommy (that’s me), it means laundry, cleaning, and tackling all those projects that I had all the time in the world to finish just a week ago. Including more laundry. Your vacation land […]

Momming Monday: Summer Blockbusters

In my house, July means the summer’s gone on long enough that boredom has set in and now the only release from the Endless Summer Fun of Youthful Ennui is Recreational Fighting. Don’t get me wrong, my kids are generally crazy about each other, and very protective of each other when anyone else tries to […]