Worldbuilding Wednesday: Make A Career Of It
I’ll be the first to admit, I like the wording more than the picturing when it comes to putting a book together. I use the words to make the pictures on the brain (although tonight, I’m apparently In A Mood and the braining is making the wording come out all sideways-y). But my lovely cover […]
Tech Support: Read Smashwords Ebooks On Aldiko Reader For Android
This may or may not become “a thing” on the blog, but after futzing about with a recent Smashwords purchase and my Android phone (my usual purchases from Smashwords get read on my laptop), I thought I’d share with the class a quick and dirty way I get my Smashbooks onto my phone for reading […]
Indie Weekend: In Which I Blab About Being An Indie Author
I’m an indie author. The book links are over there. –> They should open up in a new window or tab. Go ahead, I’ll wait… Okay, thanks for clicking. I didn’t want my blog to be yet another blog where the writer talks about how hard it is to write or what it’s like to […]
Worldbuilding Wednesday: Soft Focus
It’s getting to be fall, and for writers, that usually means at least an awareness of NaNoWriMo, if not outright participation. Many of us are going to be engaging in some form of all-out, keyboard-smashing orgies of writing some time in the next 60 days. That usually requires focus. I remember well the stories I […]
Momming Monday: The Reading Mom
As a mom, there’s a lot of reading in my life. Not for pleasure, but for schoolwork, for research, for any number of things, many of which revolve around lighting that fire under my kids so that they develop a love of reading that, at least for me, was probably the single biggest advantage in […]
Indie Weekend: Anti-Social Social Media
Okay, so on this blog, I talk a lot about being organized, plotting, knowing where you’re going and what you need to do. I can’t claim that it’s the most laser-focused thing in the world, though, as I’m 99.999% of the time doing it off the cuff (and thinking, Man, I’ve gotta get this blog […]
Worldbuilding Wednesday: You Know Where You’re Going, Right?
Every book I write is a journey. I climb into the car with these characters and I have some idea of the trip in mind. Sometimes that idea is our destination, sometimes it’s a time during the trip when we’re en route. Sometimes it’s just the type of transport we’re all taking (where are we […]
Worldbuilding Wednesday: Are You My Reader?
Are you my reader? Do you like to read the books I write? Maybe you’re fond of the same small-town or cozy urban settings as I like to set my stories. Out maybe you’re a fan of the kinds of quirky protagonists that populate my stories. You might like the genres my stories fall into, […]
Momming Monday: Groovy
I’ve said before that being a stay at home parent is the closest thing to a rarefied Edwardian society as you can get in yoga pants. We have our own rhythms, behaviors, habits, and quirks when grouping up or just roaming around the errand list on our own, and it’s a completely different pace to […]
Worldbuilding Wednesday: TV Tricks
I don’t have cable or satellite (weird, I know, but guess who hasn’t seen a political ad ALL YEAR), so when I get into a TV show, it is usually a few years old, and available by the season on Netflix. This gives me a unique perspective in viewing shows. I can watch them for […]