International Woman’s Day
Alice Paul and the Suffragettes break it down on the 19th Amendment. Go check out Soomo Publishing‘s page for more so-awesome-it-hurts history. Also…check out today’s Google Doodle. 😀
The Battle Of Blair Mountain: Still Fighting
When it comes to battlefields, we all know Bunker Hill, Lexington and Concord, Gettysburg, Ft. Sumter, and more recently, Pearl Harbor and Ground Zero. But there’s a much lesser-known historical battle site that’s right in our backyard, and its tale is as tragic and compelling as any of the other ones found on the History […]
The Very First Road Trip

The early days of the automobile are populated with images of dashing, young, well-to-do men tooling around in their new and somewhat dangerous toys. Then, as today, the ladies seemed to simply be along for the ride. Of course, those images don’t nearly tell the whole story. This spring break I did what thousands of […]