Athena Grayson

SFR Station’s April Fools For Love Blog-Hop & Contest

SFR Station's April Fools For Love

If you’re here via the SFR Station’s blog hop, it’s April Fool’s Day, and the authors of SFR Station are being fools for giveaways! And if you’re not here via the blog hop, you picked a great day to start exploring sci-fi romance!

Jupiter Ascending: Crack-Tastic, and Mythically Awesome

So I went to see Jupiter Ascending this weekend at the movies, and lemme tellya, it’s crack-tastic in all the ways that push my buttons, and apparently, I’m not alone. For every supposedly “bad” movie that’s out there, you’ll find a legion of fans, and people who truly “got” the movie. Most of the time, […]

Exciting New Things

“Huntress of the Star Empire” begins a new (ad)venture in storytelling for me.

Understanding My Own Narrative

You know how Facebook is really just comparing your life to other people’s highlight reel? I got a chance to look at my own highlight reel, and realized that it’s pretty awesome.

Punching Up

“Punching up” is a term I first came across as comedy advice, and is the term that refers to the way that comedy can be uncomfortable without being offensive. Punching Up means that you are a person with a certain level of power in a hierarchical system. And as a person with that level of power in […]

Life, Act Two: Anti-Social Media

Hi. I’m anti-social (Uncle social and all the cousin-socials are back there at the snack bar. Ba-dum-bump. Thank you, I’m here all week. Try the veal and tip your wait staff…) Yes. Even those of us who seem like we’re chatterboxen at parties can be hiding a chewy, introverted center. It takes a lot of […]

Life, Act Two: Stress Is A Language

Stress is a language your body uses to tell you many things. You should learn to speak it, and listen when it speaks. It has much to tell you about yourself–and about others.

Life, Act Two-sdays: Working Smarter

Aside from the obvious bad habits, I’ve been looking at my good and neutral habits as well, and asking WHY I do what I do. Because even if it’s a good habit, I still need to know why.